Saturday, April 08, 2006

My dream

I dreamed that all the world was ruled by God's love....
I dreamed that no one went hungry...
I dreamed that no one hated their fellow human beings...
I dreamed that there was no more warfare or reason for killing...
I dreamed that all mankind knelt before their Creator in adoration...
I dreamed that there was justice and truth published across all the earth...
I dreamed that there was no need for boundries...fences...or walls...locks....and alarms...
I dreamed that perfect peace dwelled in the heart of each mother, father, sister, brother, child....

Am I dreaming? Or is this what we all yearn for everyday of our lives....perfect love and acceptance? It is coming my friends....are you ready?


Unknown said...

Great post! Hi Debra it's Lonnie or therenegademan. Dawn became my follower which led me to your blog. If you wish to follow me back please do so on

This blog is getting a lot of attention so hopefully it will draw visitors to your site.

Nice seeing you again.


Unknown said...

Great post! Hi Debra it's Lonnie or therenegademan. Dawn became my follower which led me to your blog. If you wish to follow me back please do so on

This blog is getting a lot of attention so hopefully it will draw visitors to your site.

Nice seeing you again.
